Loyal Wife - Got Right

GOT RIGHT (EP or LP, 2023)

Studio tracks will include sessions from Ocotillo in Los Angeles (2016-17), and Jamie Woolford Studio (2022) in Phoenix. Remixes by Rémon and Adrien Fertier @ The 19. 

This is the companion album to Get Right, physical CD (yes, CD) version hopefully out by Xmas 2022.  

Jamie is in studio March 2022 completing Before Braille compilation songs (including his own cover Split Lip Envy) and then production on these Got Right tracks will resume. 

Potential (6-10) tracks list will include: 

Woolford Session: 

1) Coma (In & Out)
2) Mormon Wheels (single version dropped 24 July 2022) 
3) Up the Ladder
4) Privilege 

Jerkovich Session Add Ons: 

Lighthouse (horn version) 
Old Friends (or Alt version “Sad Friends)   
About This Town 

Rémon Session: 

Space Age Love Song (cover) 
Heaven (cover) 
More Milk (released as single Fall 2022) 

Hutch Session: 

Trust Ourselves 

List of tracks and their respective progress, Jan 14, 2016. (Get Right sessions @ Ocotillo.)