Novi Split

Keep Moving Disk 2

Keep Moving, Disk 2 was written, performed and recorded at various locations around the US and Europe by David Jerkovich. 

(Feb 2004 live recordings by Evan Korzon, Hybrid Recording) 

(Jan 2010 live recordings by Gerald Schoenherr, edits by Landon Magnusson) 

Art by Dana Bean

*Find Novi Split "Keep Moving" Disk 1 for increased pleasure and Novi Split "Pink In the Sink," for all-out warfare, brought to you buy Hush.


18 Feb 2014


This is the '10 Year Anniversary Celebratory Release' of "Keep Moving." Disk 2 is comprised of songs written during the Keep Moving 'sessions' and subsequent live recordings (36 in all).


Keep Moving, Disk 2 to was written, performed and recorded at various locations around the US and Europe by David Jerkovich. Artwork by Dana Bean. Design by Brandon Smith and David J.



ALLY051, 2LP